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              1. <blockquote id='PeH3li'><q id='PeH3li'><noscript id='PeH3li'></noscript><dt id='PeH3li'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='PeH3li'><i id='PeH3li'></i>
                Vertical cooling mixer
                Detailed instructions
                It is used in mixing,stirring,drying,colouring and other processing of all kinds of materials in plastics,rubber,daily chemical and other industries.
                The technology of mainshaft sealed apparatus has got the state patent 
                technotoy adopted in the pot cover.
                It has self-friction heating and electric heating modes and many others. 
                The discharging mode adopted the  ways of temperature-automatilc control and the manual control. 
                Its blades casted by stainless steel have been passed the test of dynatic and  static balance procisely.
                The electrical control  adopted the well-known components .

                Main Technical Parameter 
                (Model) Capacity
                Motor Power
                Main shaft
                SRL-200A 200 130 7.5 ≤200 Water
                SRL-500A 500 320 11 ≤130
                SRL-800A 800 500 15 ≤100
                SRL-1000A 1000 640 15 ≤70
                SRL-1600A 1600 1020 30 ≤50
                SHR-5A 5 3 1.1 1400 Self-friction Hand work
                SHR-10A 10 7 3 2000
                SHR-50A 50 35 7/11 75/1500 Electricy Steam Pneumatics
                SHR-100A 100 75 14/22 650/1300
                SHR-200A 200 150 30/42 475/950
                SHR-300A 300 225 40/55 475/950
                SHR-500A 500 375 47/67 430/860
                SHR-800A 800 600 60/90 370/740
                SHR-200C 200 150 30/42 650/1300 Self-friction Pneumatics
                SHR-300C 300 225 47/67 475/950
                SHR-500C 500 375 83/110 500/1000

                Revision right reserved
                Related products
                • Vertical cooling mixer

                  It is used in mixing,stirring,drying,colouring and other processing of all kinds......
